We are the most premium interstellar tourism company in this galaxy for humans. And have been at the vanguard of the Space Tourism Sector since the successful launch of the Dyson Sphere. We provide a fusion of innovative technologies and world-class hospitality services.


Being a Multi-planetary company, we aspire to be accessible to all the residents of the Solar System. To achieve this goal, we have established our base on each primary planet in our solar system. These bases are equipped with autonomous machines capable of sustaining and repairing themselves. These facilities ensure a safe launch from that planet to our mother ship.


We don’t want our passengers to worry about finding a guide. Each of our passengers would be provided with a robot companion who would not only guide them throughout their journey but would also take care of their day-day menial tasks. Read the guide to learn more about our companion robots.


The passengers would be placed under cryosleep while they are travelling to their destination planet. The passengers would get an option to enter a virtual world with Time Dilation where they can interact with their fellow passengers and conduct regular activities instead of just entering a dream.


Intergalactic travel has been made due to our patented Wormhole generator which allows us to create precise location stamps of several planets. We have the latest laser-array units onboard our ships which allows us to travel safely and smoothly.